The UK ranks at 10 in the The third annual Global Age Watch Index published by Age UK

The UK ranks at 10 in the The third annual Global Age Watch Index published by Age UK.
No real surprises in the top ranking country-Switzerland and Afghanistan remains the lowest ranking (96th out of 96). Britain performs well in some sub categories including personal safety and easy access to public transport however does not fare so well with healthcare.

According to Age UK ‘The UK has seen the most progression in the ‘capability’ domain for education status and employment levels, moving up three places from 23rd to 20th’.

We’ve seen the present government sticking to their pre election promises regarding the winter fuel allowance, free television licenses and bus passes. The countries featured in the index will see the proportion of residents over 60 increases dramatically over the next few years.

The top 10:
1. Switzerland
2. Norway
3. Sweden
4. Germany
5. Canada
6. Netherlands
7. Iceland
8. Japan
9. USA
10. UK

Notable others:
16. France

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